Special Price ₹14,700.00 was ₹15,785.00
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ISO standard print speed (A4): 13.0ipm black
Hi-speed USB 2.0, Wireless, Wired LAN, Wireless/Wired LAN Pictbridge, Direct Wireless
Recommended print volume: 150 to 1 500 pages
  1. Ink droplets can be placed with a pitch of 0.000529167cm at minimum.
  2. Document print speeds are the average of ESAT (Word, Excel, PDF) in Office Category Test for the default simplex mode, ISO/IEC 24734.
    Photo print speed is based on the default setting using ISO/JIS-SCID N2 on Photo Paper Plus Glossy II and does not take into account data processing time on host computer.
    Print speed may vary depending on system configuration, interface, software, document complexity, print mode, page coverage, type of paper used etc.
  3. Paper Type NOT supported for borderless printing are as follows: Envelope, High Resolution Paper, T-Shirt Transfer, Photo Stickers.
  4. 1-11 in US, CND, LTN, BRA, TW and HK.
  5. check OS compatibility and to download the latest driver updates).
  6. The performance of the printer may be reduced under certain temperature and humidity conditions.
  7. For the temperature and humidity conditions of papers such as photo paper, refer to the paper's packaging or the supplied instructions.
  8. Acoustic Noise is measured based on ISO7779 standard with default setting.
  9. Print: When printing ISO/JIS-SCID N2 on A4 size plain paper using default settings.
  10. Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC) value: TEC value was calculated assuming the unit will be constantly switched among operational mode, sleep mode, and power-off mode for 5 days, and that it will be either in sleep or power-off mode for the remaining 2 days within the same week. The TEC value of this product is calculated by Canon on their own accord using.
    TEC measurement procedure regulated in International ENERGY STAR Program.
  11. Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 24711 (for A4 size) using ISO/IEC 24712 test file, and ISO/IEC 29102 (for 10.16 x 15.24cm size) using ISO/IEX 29103 test file. Values obtained by continuous printing.
  12. This printer is a monochrome printer.
    Print colour document with optional colour cartridge.
    Once the installed colour cartridge is depleted, please replace with a new colour cartridge or a contact protector has to be installed.
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